Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Michelle and Mark - engagement

michelle and mark on-line proofing website

the first time we met mark he was celebrating jakes bar mitzvah a little over a year ago. karen recalls some of mark's great dance moves. we were re-introduced by our beautiful client natasha aka: tash when the referral came in for their wedding. we met with michelle and mark earlier this year and fell for them right away. during our bridal meeting we brainstormed about their engagement session and what was unique to them and their relationship. mark mentioned that he lived on a boat for three years and was planning to sell it. without hesitation i said "NO WAY"...comon' now. do you really think i said that? really, karen and i said "ABSOLUTELY!" without any hesitation. after hearing of the many stories that came to mind of years past, we knew michelle and mark needed to have this in their story. again, being influenced from others and their stories only make for some amazing images that surprise me even. we took it a step further and really wanted to give an ode not only to the sea legs but to celebrate their relationship, everything nautical with a bit of a ralph lauren flare.

michelle and mark have a LOVE AFFAIR for the sea and are very infectious with their enthusiasm to all that travel in their wake.

after the session we went to one of their favorite italian restaurants in the marina, c&o trattoria. the food was incredible and the company was even better.

thank you michelle and mark for a truly amazing afternoon. AHOY!


  1. Wow, who is that hot chick in the pics?...I wish I could marry her. Maybe one a few months. Joey and Karen - you guys did great! love the pics.

  2. You guys did so great! It was fun working with you both and I am soooo thrilled with how the pics came out. Both of our families thought they looked beautiful as well - it is important to me that the parents approve. Thank you so so so much!!! I can't wait to take the wedding photos and see them up too!


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