Monday, December 08, 2008


come back with me, for a moment, and let me bring you up to speed. i met karen a few years ago, really almost 14 years now, in nyc and was not only attracted to her beauty but found myself equally attracted to her spirit. she was and still is very silly, caring, sexy, quick witted, punchy, passionate but most of all very caring about those closest to her and who she comes to know. upon getting to know karen i learned of qualities that both touched my soul as well as made me take notice. simple things that made us uniquely compatible like making one laugh at a drop of a hat and sometimes even making each other cry by being so passionate in sharing our hearts. a few days ago karen and i set out on a photoshoot and errands that took us into the evening but something happened along the way that i wanted to share with you. karen was overwhelmed with joy, excitement and passion coupled with an enormous amount of pride when she unveiled, to our bride, her custom designer bridal album...personally. to witness this moment was a highlight in my career as well as privately. i was reminded, yet again, of how beautiful her spirit is. all too often we, karen and i, find ourselves yearning not only to give of ourselves through our photography but to be well received in our efforts. this sometimes has made us extremely vulnerable but ultimately has made us extremely grateful. grateful that those that embrace us, embrace us whole heartily, without reservation. our bride brought out in karen what is so close to the surface ready to explode. her passion. her passion to give and share what she loves. so, when the moment came and the bride expressed an overwhelmingly amount of joy in her album karen responded by shedding a tear of happiness. happiness that she had shared her "gift" and that she has come full circle in doing so. this is why i am so very proud of the growth karen and i have shared together as well as what i have witnessed in karen. to truly experience her spirit is to see it in her eyes.

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