Monday, April 27, 2009

Aubrey - Expecting Mother

so who ever said pregnancy wasn’t sexy?? well, they haven’t met aubrey! pregnancy is sexy, especially the second time around. aubrey has placed a whole new meaning to that. in their la home, she has a grace and poise in her pregnancy that would make any mom want to put on an evening gown.

aubrey on-line proofing website

flashing back a few years - who said once a bridesmaid always a bridesmaid...ha? not this beautiful expecting mother, no way! well, we have to admit the circle of life is rather amazing and connected in ways that are beyond unique. take for example aubrey.. she participated in the bridal party of not just 1... not just 2... but 3 of the weddings we have photographed over the past couple years.

first dressed in “beach attire” on the island of saint barths fwi for sasha and mark’s wedding (and by the way the gorgeous necklaces were hand made by her in this photo... oh and she was pregnant with her first child, a girl!)

second, she was lovely in green in cara and chad’s santa monica wedding along with her flower girl daughter “caoilin” who stole our hearts as she came down the isle.

aubrey and her husband bobby translate their relationship very well to print film, simply sexy.

third, brooke and danny’s mission hills wedding dressed beautifully in chocolate (brooke too, appears lovely in green in cara’s and chad’s wedding above and yes, cara too is lovely in chocolate in brooke and danny’s wedding below... no your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you and of course you will be quizzed later... small world you say... not so much). the circle of life that brings them all together is called family!!! as we get ready to celebrate the birth of aubrey and bobby’s second child any day, any moment...

jumping forward - a glance in the mirror to sneak a peek to acknowledge... i love my body, i love being pregnant.

mother and daughter share a quiet and peaceful moment together before baby “cael” arrives.

her tattered and worn columbia football ”sleep shirt “ is so apropos... it’s a boy!

bobby didn’t know how amazing his white van heusen would look on his beautiful wife. the shirt will never look quite the same on him, sorry bobby!

as we celebrate a new life coming into the world, we celebrate this beautiful expecting mother and feel so fortunate to document this incredible chapter in their lives.

lastly, i have to say if any of you know joey and when he sees an image and is excited about it, he let’s you know... and i quote aubrey after she snuck a peak at some of the images in the back of the camera... “joey, you can toot your own horn, it’s okay.” love that!

thank you for the incredible hosted luncheon and the gargiulo vineyards wine we shared. simply priceless.

congratulations aubrey, bobby and caoilin. can’t wait to hear the news!

-karen and joey


  1. Hello Karen & Joey,

    Aubrey is my daughter and she sent these to me. You guys are great at capturing beautiful moments. I commend you. How would I go about obtaining some of the shots you took of Aubrey, Bobby and Caoilin?

    Thank you,

    Pamela L. Czurak

  2. These are GORGEOUS! She is one beautiful pregnant lady. Those are so elegant, tasteful, and sexy all rolled into one.


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