Monday, November 03, 2008

Erin and Gary - ventura, california

details, details, details!

erin and gary's on-line proofing website
erin and gary's bridal album

what i have noticed throughout my career is the attention to detail that a bride and groom share quietly to those who celebrate with them on their wedding day.

it is these stories that bring to life two peoples lives that mean the world to them and carry significant meaning to them and their family.

from a jeweled humming bird in a hand made bridal bouquet that was crafted by the brides mothers childhood bestfriend,

to an anchor pin honoring the bride and grooms family serving in the United States Navy,

to a red delicate butterfly hidden within the blooming alter and adorning the guests seating area,

to a pair of red foe croc skin boots that the brides brother wore that "fai-red" so nicely with his suit.

these simple, subtle but poignant accents highlighted the bride and grooms passion of life, love and laughter.

to date, erin's laugh has to be the most contagious laugh ever. you can't help but to smile when she laughs cause you know that it is the kind of laugh that comes from the heart and deep within her belly.

and, gary is right up there with her. the two of them compliment each other without question.

as a surprise,

i set up a portrait location for erin and gary to give back to them the "2mins." that i promise all our couples. (if you are our bride or groom, you know what this is. if not, you'll know after this story) anyway, i snuck the bride and groom away towards the end of the night so they could reconnect for 2 minutes. i set the camera up, just outside the picture window of the restaurant, and gave them a piece of their cake to share. the rest was purely what called for the moment... a kiss to say 'i love you' and a sigh to say 'we made it'. "sweet".

the end of the night came soooooooooo quickly and it didn't go without saying...we had a very nice and pleasant time with erin, gary, their family and all their friends.



  1. Absolutely beautiful!! The picture of my father's Navy pin that Erin wore pinned to her dress with another pin of my mother's was stunning. It brougt tears to my eyes, knowing that her grandparents although no longer with us, were there and remembered.
    Erin will not share the code to the proofs until she can view with Gary together but I am waiting with much anticipation!! The blogs photos are amazing so I know the rest will be just as amazing. Thank you Karen and Joey for capturing my daughter's life on this most important day. I really enjoyed meeting you, You ROCK!!
    Teri Roth, Mother of the Bride

  2. Joey and Karen, you both are absolutely AMAAAAZING!!! Thank you soooo much for capturing the details of the day! Your pictures capture more then just images, they invoke the magic of the day and create permanent memories. Looking through the blog i can actually feel the excitement, the passion and the LOVE!!! There are no words on earth to describe how brilliant your art is. I can't thank you guys enough and how lucky we were to have you share our day with us! The picture of us in the picture window was fantastic and absolutely breath taking. I can't wait to share the images with family and friends!!


i welcome your comments... so please share!