Monday, October 20, 2008

Deanna and Charles - ventura, california

deanna and charles' on-line proofing website

if you recall a few months back i posted a blog of the engagement session with deanna and charles what seems to be "a life-time ago" but has finally come to be...deanna and charles' wedding day. when we met deanna and charles for our engagement session there was a perpetual grin and laughter on charles face that was rather endearing. endearing that he reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally liked goofing off and he reaaaaaaaaaaaally liked deanna, and, he could not wait to marry her. well, to date, i think charles could be the amongst the top of the "most excited grooms" category. he was ecstatic as he walked down the isle to the cheers and whistles from his family and friends.

the ceremony was a nice and intimate garden wedding with close family and friends and celebrated again with a smile from "ear-to-ear" on charles' face coming down the aisle with his BRIDE.

"there is something about...deanna" that just made the most important men in her life smile with pride and affection. deanna and her father's dance portrait speaks volumes to every father. the happiness on her father's face grew with every step.

congratulations deanna and charles!

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