Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yvonne and Eric - engagement

yvonne and eric's on-line proofing website

i know, i know...i know i am a bit out there. but, i have embraced it to my full extent. yvonne and eric arrived a bit "out of their element" but reallllllllllllllly like our photography. so, throwing caution into the wind they leaped into having "their picture taken". to describe what happened from then on, by trusting me, would be an understated "fun-time had by all". the shy, giddiness slowly turned into confidence and silliness that they love about each other and their children find comfort in. i am often marveled at how the camera can uncover and reveal ones true spirit with a bit of patience. i honestly believe yvonne and eric knew this but didn't know how devoted i am at capturing their life, one frame at a time. look, no really, look at the commitment by yvonne and eric to really share themselves as their family sees them. great couple and a more beautiful family. i am sure their wedding day will be filled with more "family moments" now that they know "how out there i am"...for them.

see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Joey, thank you for making this day soo... fun & easy for us. You are amazing at what you do & we can't wait for the BIG DAY & to meet Karen =)

    Yvonne & Eric


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